What speaking at Oxford University taught me about focus

So, I guess it would be fair to say the University of Oxford is one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions in the world. It was founded in the 11th century, although there are tales of its origins dating all the way back to 872 AD; something to do with a rumoured several-day long… Continue reading What speaking at Oxford University taught me about focus

What an evening with Yaa Gyasi taught me about inspiration

I first came across the incredible stillness and power of Yaa Gyasi's writing some years ago when reading a short story penned by the Ghanaian-born author in Guernica Magazine. Inscape, narrated from a daughter's perspective, told the tale of a woman and her Ghanaian mother, weaving between themes of religion, culture and mental illness with… Continue reading What an evening with Yaa Gyasi taught me about inspiration